For us, success means a whole generation of Jewish young adults finding joy and connection through Jewish ritual and tradition. We recruit and support volunteer hosts who post their dinners on our custom tech platform (think Airbnb for Shabbat), introduce them to Jewish learning with coaching, DIY tools, and financial support. The hosts open their homes, modeling Jewish values of hospitality and kindness, and building lasting connections one Shabbat table at a time.
With an emphasis on peer-to-peer engagement, OneTable’s high tech, high touch approach offers assistance of every kind in creating personal, unique Shabbat dinners. Our signature platform enables young adults to find, create, or share a Shabbat dinner anywhere in the United States and Toronto.
Constant evaluation yields data on what young adults need, and our industry-leading technology is ever evolving as a result. On a more personal level, our Field Team is available to offer support, inspiration, and coaching, and Nourishment support provides hosts the ability to elevate their Shabbat dinners for their guests.
OneTable: The oldest new way to do Friday Night.