
Setting the Next Course

Strategic Plan 2022-2025
October 2022

Setting the Next Course

2022-2025 Aspirational Goals

Rising disassociation from Judaism, and a dearth of meaningful social connection, makes Rabbi Sacks’s vision of community and belonging even more compelling and drives us toward these aspirational goals:

  • Build A Movement: The OneTable family of offerings will be ubiquitous and strongly associated with Shabbat and community-building through peer engagement.
  • Enrich the Experience: We will drive a significant and positive shift in the way Jewish adults and their communities experience and embrace the ritual of Shabbat.
  • Grow Our Internal Capacity: We will have the resources (financial, technical, and professional) required to sustain this growth, making OneTable a trusted investment for Jewish engagement.


Expanded Family of Offerings

To achieve our goals, we are growing to three distinct offerings.

  • OneTable Core: Our “challah and butter,” designed to enable Jewish adults 21 to 39ish to gather with one another for Shabbat dinner and Seder.
  • Powered By OneTable: Customizes and licenses OneTable’s technology platform and peer engagement strategy for other organizations who share our commitment to social connectedness.
  • Together @OneTable: Empowers adults 50ish+ to find, share, and enjoy Shabbat dinners, making the most of their Friday Nights.


What Makes Our Offerings Unique

OneTable’s unique value proposition is the interconnection of these essential ways of being.

  • Human-Centered: We use a data-driven approach to center the ever-evolving needs of participants. We make ongoing adaptations to our technology platform so that it is delightful for frontend and backend users.
  • Intentional: We believe intention is a prerequisite for meaning-making, and invite people to engage their peers through practices that are personally meaningful to them. Our Jewish learning resources and technology platform are designed to enable participants to be thoughtful about their reason for engaging.
  • D.I.Y.: We empower individuals to step up and design their own gatherings, engaging their peers through easy-to-use structures without being prescriptive. Peer engagement enables organic, efficient growth, allowing for impact and scale.


How We Will Measure Our Impact

To build a movement:

  • Engage 10% of Jewish young adults in America (~140,000) – annually – to build meaningful social connections and become producers of their own authentic Jewish practice over their lifetimes (at least 75% of whom would not otherwise engage with Shabbat).
  • Engage at least 50,000 Jewish adults beyond our core demographic – annually – through new offerings that leverage our peer engagement model and technology platform.
  • Enable client organizations to grow annual engagements by at least 20% through our peer engagement model and technology platform.

To enrich the experience:

  • Inspire at least 50% of hosts to feel more confident in creating a sacred Shabbat space, leading ritual, and inviting others through accessible Jewish learning resources and amplification of peer-to-peer modeling.
  • Ensure at least 80% of guests deepen their social connections.
  • Complete rigorous research into the practice of Shabbat as a means for human flourishing, identifying key elements that elevate the experience, and adding new, valuable measures for Jewish engagement to the field at large.

To grow our capacity:

  • Develop an organizational structure that is best suited to achieve our growth goals, e.g. identify missing skill sets, recruit, retain, and provide a framework for accountability and pathways for growth for a stellar professional team.
  • Ensure a top-notch technology platform, measured through user feedback (e.g. Net Promoter Score), that enables connections and generates income through licensing fees and philanthropic investments, contributing meaningfully to both our capabilities and financial resources.
  • Build relationships with dedicated investors, successfully secure multi-year, multi-million dollar investments, and grow our support from individuals by 25%.


How We Plan to Get There

In 2021, OneTable and Benenson Strategy Group collected data from 2,000 OneTable participants and 800 other Jewish young adults in a comparison group. To get started, we asked why people are not yet participating in OneTable. We learned that, had respondents known about OneTable, most (70%) would participate. Helping people discover OneTable is critical to reaching our goals.

Amplify our brand
Drawing on our start-up mentality, we will reinvest in go-to-market strategies, through social channels, brand partnerships, earned and paid media, Jewish learning videos, podcasts, and more.

Optimize our network
Deploying our staff, advisors, faculty, super-users, and partners strategically to maximize our presence in large and small markets, so that there’s always a face to OneTable regardless of where you live or how you are engaging with OneTable.

Remove barriers to participation
When asked, the 30% of the comparison group who were not interested in participating shared concerns about the pandemic, being too busy, or they were not interested in spending time with strangers. Add this to the inherent challenges in adopting new ritual habits. We will use this (and more) data to design new features to address these and unforeseen barriers.