
Affinity Shabbat Guidebook

Written by: OneTable Team

Affinity Shabbat Guidebook

So you want to host an Affinity Group Shabbat? Check out our new Affinity Shabbat workbook to support and guide your dinner!

Questions about this resource? See below or reach out to your Field Manager to learn more.

What is an Affinity Group?

A group of people linked by a common purpose, identity, or shared experience. Some examples of affinity groups are Jews of Color, BIPOC, people with disabilities, LGBTQIA+, and Jews by choice.

What’s the purpose of Affinity Group Shabbats?

Gathering in an affinity group can be incredibly meaningful as an experience or a practice. Such spaces allow vulnerability and the opportunity for shared experiences with people who share common identities and interests. Oftentimes, the comfortability that an affinity group allows can create space for deep conversations.

Carving out space and time to gather your community for a Shabbat dinner makes stronger connections and refills the cups you pour from daily. Shabbat is a beautiful framework to reflect, rest, and build wellness together.

Affinity Shabbats are a powerful way to build community + create intentional spaces that feel sacred, healing, joyful, and important.

OneTable has proudly supported many gatherings for various affinity group Shabbats, for communities including Jews of Color, Queer, Latinx, Asian-American Jews, and many more. If you’re looking for local Affinity dinners in your area or want to host one yourself, check in with your Field Manager!

The content of this guide was created by Maya Katz-Ali, Lilli Stordeur, and consultants Imani Chapman and Franny Silverman. The artwork in the guide (and on this webpage) was created by Ezra Edmond.

Affinity Group Shabbat Guidebook
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