Whether you want to connect more deeply to your roots or discover the flavors of the greater Jewish diaspora, OneTable is here for it. November is Mizrahi Heritage Month, a time dedicated to elevating and celebrating the cultures, heritages, and traditions of Jews from the Middle East and North Africa.
November 30 marks the official Day of Commemoration from Arab Countries & Iran, honoring the 850,000+ Jewish refugees who were expelled or forced to flee from their homes in the Middle East and North Africa between 1948-1980. Until this point, Jewish communities had been living in the region for over 2,500 years. While this history is known among the Mizrahi and Sephardi community, their narrative has rarely been documented, and their plight as refugees has largely been ignored by the global community.
Over the years, many OneTable hosts have created Mizrahi and Sephardi-inspired Shabbats that have introduced their guests to Jewish culture and history from the MENA (Middle East, North Africa). We invite you to keep learning, hosting, and using these resources to celebrate Mizrahi culture and heritage throughout November + all year long!