DIY Ritual. DIY Joy.
Take a look at our Friday Night Ritual Guide

There are many ways to enjoy Friday night dinners and Shabbat rituals. That’s why we asked five OneTable hosts from different backgrounds to share their unique practices, challenges, and inspiration. Explore how they use rituals to make Shabbat welcoming and accessible for their guests.

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Lighting Candles with Ruby
How I Shabbat: DIY Ritual. DIY Joy.

Invite the lights of Shabbat into your home in a way that feels meaningful to you. See how OneTable host Ruby offers a gender-inclusive blessing that empowers their guests.

There are many ways to enjoy Shabbat rituals and Friday night dinners, so we asked five OneTable hosts to share their unique practices, challenges, and inspiration. Watch how they welcome Shabbat by lighting candles and adapt the ritual to meet their needs.

As you get ready to bring in Shabbat, share your rituals and reflections with @onetableshabbat and #HowIShabbat on social.
Impactful quote from OneTable user.
Candle Blessing
Bla bla bla
  • Baruch Atta Adonai
    Candle Blessing